Destiny Activation Seminar
Gwen, 16 Awst
|Zoom Live + Recording
This 3 Part Seminar will be activating our Destiny through our North Nodes, Integration of our South Nodes, and mastery of our Saturn

Time & Location
16 Awst 2024, 16:00 GMT-5 – 18 Awst 2024, 17:00 GMT-5
Zoom Live + Recording
About the event
When Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008, we began the Cosmic Reckoning. Pluto’s purpose has always been to bring darkness to light, and to bring awareness to all that has been hidden, buried, and denied so that we may transform it into the ultimate healing. Pluto will destroy anything that cannot be healed and must be let go of completely, thus his archetype of death and rebirth. Since then, we as a Humanity have been facing the karmic consequences of our darkness and all of the systems and structures it has built. We were put through a divine initiation that required the deepest levels of fortitude and strength to get through.
Now as he approaches his grand finale of the the karmic cleanup, we are individually being called to reflect and master our personal Saturn lessons. The area of our charts where Capricorn rules is the area of life that has been under deep construction for 16 years and we will be receiving the rewards for our hard work. We are also called to focus on our personal Saturn placements in order to see the mastery we have gained, and any remaining lessons we have yet to learn so that we can prepare to step into our true destinies, free of all karmic chords come November.
This means we will also be activating our Destiny Nodes in our personal chart, which is our North and South Nodes. These two nodes of fates represent where we have come from (South Node) and where we are headed (North Node). Both of these placements provide us with insight as to what our innate gifts and skills are, and where to apply them for our highest growth and greatest service to Humanity.
In our Destiny Activation Seminar this month, we will be covering the following topics to prepare for our official new roles:
Part 1: Mastering our Saturn (August 16th)
This class will focus on discussing our personal Saturn placements and the mastery of those lessons as well as wrapping up and healing the area of our charts that Capricorn rules. These placements have been teaching us the valuable lessons and skills that assist us in completing our karmic contracts so that we are prepared to move into our destiny roles.
Part 2: Integrating the South Node (August 17th)
This class will focus on discussing our personal South Node placements, which show us the innate gifts and skills we are carrying from past lives. We also will discuss the shadows and the outdated patterns to let go of with our South Nodes, so that we no longer need to repeat the past, but can create a new future.
Part 3: Activating the North Node (August 18th)
This class will focus on discussing our personal North Node placements which guides us to our highest destiny in this lifetime. Our North Node’s represent our greatest growth, service and purpose in this lifetime which allows us great insight as to what our New Earth roles will be.
Each seminar will be recorded for those that cannot attend live. Each participant will also receive a video that explains how to identify your Saturn, North + South Node placement in your chart, as well as the Astrology Archetypes Guide which gives an in-depth understanding of each of the zodiac signs, planets, and house placements.