About Us
We are dedicated to the evolution of humanity into the higher frequencies of love & unity. Our greatest vision is for all of humanity to return to their natural state of joy & creativity. Pure 5D heart based consciousness.
5D Full Disclosure is a multi-dimensional online platform centered around Earth's ascension, the revelation of concealed truths, and aiding individuals in uncovering their genuine soul purpose.
This website acts as a guiding resource, delving into the evolution of Earth towards a higher-dimensional existence and exploring topics such as spiritual awakening, cosmic energies, and the disclosure of hidden knowledge.
Through a range of multimedia resources including articles, videos, and online classes, the site endeavors to support and steer individuals on their personal quests for self-discovery. It aims to facilitate a deeper understanding of one's authentic soul essence and encourages the recognition of individual missions within the broader cosmic framework.
This community is open to all who wish to learn and evolve in a higher consciousness paradigm. We seek to provide a learning environment for all that allows for divine intelligence, peace, creativity, art, music, unity, unconditional love, intuition, & inspiration.

"Thus, at the very edge of death, we will return to the beginning. That is, at the end of the world (where we must surely be!) we will return to the goddess, the great mother of all life, as her magic children. in a round world, the only way for human beings to survive the end is to return to the beginning. thus, we complete a circle; but on a spiral, we revolve to a larger circle. Now? is the time to make again sacred our experience."
- Monica Sjoo and Barbara Mor
Our mission is to create the blueprint + the foundation for Heaven on Earth. Through our passions projects + Humanitarian projects we are creating these blueprints, foundations + connections with the lovers and givers across the Planet so that we may begin the transition into New Earth. These projects are close to our heart + the mission of Mother of All Creation, to bring Humanity back into love, cooperation, harmony + Right Action. Our projects include the Mother Earth's Crystal Schools, New Earth Transitionary Government, + The Givers Gathering Co-Op!
Humanitarian Projects


The Future of Healing has Arrived
Humanity is now moving into the realm of 5D + Quantum Healing, and moving out of 3D healing modalities. Plasma is the future of 5D Technology as it is based on sacred geometry, connection, love + Source consciousness. We are learning to become sovereign Creator beings who have the power to create, heal + transform ourselves + all states of matter.
By learning to be in our hearts, connected to the natural elements of life + Spirit, we are able to harness the power of both innovation and miracles, which shall allow Humanity to take a quantum leap into the Crystalline State.