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Christess Rising: the peaceful transfer of power

By: Lauren Gorgo


Before us is a new dawn.  The Libra New Moon + annular (Ring of Fire) solar eclipse on October 2nd…which happens to coincide with Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year & Day of Judgement…officially opens the floodgates for the (physical) Heaven on Earth experience as those at the fore of New Humanity begin their cosmic journey at the manifest level.

This portends major changes for the planet and her people as those leading this New Earth parade are granted amnesty, complete release from the lower earth dynamics & structures that created a life & world of division.  Moving forward, anyone who meets the requirements for the unified experience of life on Earth can also be pardoned as the path is now paved for all who choose the Way-Truth-Life as LOVE.

After decades of inner work to bring the Divine Feminine Christ back into balance with the Masculine, it is time to ground this equal partnership into life at large.

As we make our way into this new dynamic month of fast-moving change where the Cosmic Current is gently but firmly pushing us along, you may notice that what used to hold you back is loosening its grip, freeing you to step more boldly into your new life direction without the constant companion of emotional drag holding you back or weighing you down.  This is the key takeaway this month as we enter into our New Earth contracts at the physical level which nullifies our old earth/human life contracts, releasing us from the prison of past suffering.

This means that many are beginning their new life journey as “free agents” now that the energies of 2025 are opening for us to begin assessing our next/new/first real-life steps as Cosmic Creators.  What this foretells for those deepening into the Cosmic State is a new way of Creating that honors new/higher laws that are no longer subject to the lower earth laws & limitations.

This also means that what we are walking out of is not even in the same universe as what we are entering into for the new Creation System is in a completely different dimension of reality than the old earth system of separation.  And so the rest of this (universal 8) year will be about strengthening our connection to this new system, opening ourselves up to birth brand new potentials…via the universal 9 year of 2025…and waving our rights to participate in the lower reality system.

For those who made the migration to the New Earth server and completed the merger of divine union (via the equinox), you now have the activated capacity to create above & beyond the discordant realms which puts you on the fast track of superconductivity, enabling you to bypass the resistance created by the lower (polarized) forces.  This ensures that your personal creations are aligned with the Cosmic Current, allowing you to flow with the natural rhythm of life unobstructed.

If you’ve done the inner work, you now have the full support of Creation to back you which means you no longer need to force your way thru life but can be carried in a way that brings levity to your creations should you allow yourself to welcome your true carefree, childlike state.  This state no longer needs to be a distant memory of a former time, for time is no longer part of the equation which means we now have access to this lightness of being in every moment now.

Should you permit yourself this birthright you may find that you now have the power to sustain it (joy) in ways previously impossible.  This is the promise to the faithful, to those who have restored the unsullied state for we now hold the governing authority over our lives, and ultimately this planet, as she too returns to her resplendent, uncorrupted nature.  This (Libra Season) is the fated moment of Divine Justice on Earth…when the scales tip in favor of the Feminine to replenish her long-lost Life Force so that we can regain full command over our emotions, intuition & gnostic wisdom to govern our lives as LOVE.


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