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Divine Justice: return of higher law & order


By: Lauren Gorgo


The Scorpio new moon marks our official exit from another deeply demanding yet transformational eclipse season in this supercharged year (of the Dragon) by which we have all been pushing/been pushed to meet our divine potential as LOVE.  As a result of our accomplishments, the tide has fully shifted in favor of the Feminine…not just at the etheric level, but at the ground level...which means all that which is aligned with LOVE will now hold sway over the land heralding a cosmic reordering that will affect every layer & level of life on Earth.

This shift will have far-reaching consequences for the Cosmic Mother has returned to ensure that all life on this planet is honored & cared for on Earth as it is in Heaven.  Those who seek to destroy or derail this covenant with Creation will no longer be permitted to do so for the heavenly structures (original/organic stargate system) are now in place, returning the power to those who hold dear the wellbeing of all organic lifeforms.

The Mother has spoken and it is Her will that nothing will deter, desecrate, or defile the sanctity of life on this planet any longer. Anything that hinders or forsakes the Law of LOVE will see its day of reckoning.

With the reconstitution of the Mother principle, Gaia herSelf is rising into her own power & authority (solar body) as the Christess frequency is returned to this planet to restore all life on Earth.  This suggests that our beloved Mother, the sacred container that supports the higher frequency beings for the New Human-New Earth experience, now has a say over what she will & will not accept as the law of the land returns to her jurisdiction.

More than anything this means that the New Earth trajectory is not only set in motion but becoming realized.  As such, and for those prepared to ride this wave of Cosmic LOVE to shore, you will find that what greets you there is more welcoming than what you may have initially imagined for the people of Earth are far more ready to receive you than it may seem on the surface.

For that reason, Light & Love workers are being called RISE, to stand in solidarity with Gaia by stepping into our own divine authority as LOVE to propagate this power worldwide.  This is a coming of age for the planet and so all who join Her in the return to spiritual adulthood will be unconditionally upheld as the Legions of Heaven have mandated long ago.

For those who do, those who make the leap into the cosmic state, this month offers the entrance (gateways) into the Heaven on Earth experience at the mundane level of life with the full support of the universe to guide & provide for you.  This promises that those with purity of Heart who care about what truly matters will no longer be put last…that in this new heavenly hologram, those who respect & honor the sacredness of Life above all else will take the lead as inheritors of the Kingdom.

Know too that the rise of the Christess via the transfer of power to the GODdess energy on Earth is fully commensurate with the Law of ONE in that the interconnectivity of all things is coming into plain view to be seen & acknowledged by all those who fail to abide by the basic tenets of this universe.

Soon enough, what goes around will come around at record speed to ensure that the Mother’s message is widely & swiftly received indicating a time of retribution, of justice, of comeuppance.  Not in the biblical sense, but in the cosmic sense⇾ where LOVE is Law.


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