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Full Moon, Winter Solstice and the Kala Sarpa

Archeia Hope

By: Alison Dhuanna


Just when you feel the work of the Creator couldn’t get any more magnificent, this next few months show a dazzling array of highly transformational cosmic events which may be either very painful or create unprecedented freedom – the choice is ours.

Lets begin with the background of the Kala Sarpa Yoga, a rare event in which all 7 planets and most of the main asteroids are held within the Head and Tail of the Great Cosmic Serpent, the Moon’s Nodes. At Winter Solstice the Head is held in Gene Key 20.6 with its Shadow of Superficiality and its Siddhi of Presence. The South Node conjunct Mars is in a most powerful ‘shamanic’ Gene Key 34 where the Tail is held with its Shadow of Force and Gift of Majesty.

On the 23rd December there will be a Nodal Shift to the Taurus Scorpio Axis and a shift to the North Node Head being in Gene Key 8 with its Shadow of Mediocrity and its Siddhi of Exquisiteness and the South Node with the Shadow of Compromise and Siddhi of Bounteousness. So, whatever happens in this next 4 months we may perceive it as pushing us to grow and blossom into our more authentic and competent version of ourselves. Do you have a big dream but then go about self-sabotaging yourself or getting distracted? In this period, you may get to the root of why that is and step into this gift of competence and focus on what is really yours to be and do.

Hygiea the Healing Snake Goddess from Ancient Greece who had Dreaming Temples, stands outside the Kala Sarpa. I was astounded to find that Hygiea is at 29 Libra 30’ as this is exactly where the Venus Star Point in October 2022 will be with its imprint of Harmony. This Venus Star Point is especially important as it begins a larger pattern of transition from Scorpio to Libra, which will in a nutshell assist humans to work together more effectively. There are some 3 Venus Star Points in Gene Key 50 in the years ahead so it is a highly significant point in the zodiac.

Ancient Healer Hygeia is conjunct Haumea a Kuiper Belt Object and Hawaiian Goddess of New Birth. Previously I have felt her as a seeder of the New Earth matrix so it is very pleasing to me that she is in a long transit here preparing the way for the Venus Star Points. Also here is asteroid Arnica, perhaps the plant medicine used by most people on the planet. We may well be in for some shocking times, I’ve had a few leading into this so keep the Arnica nearby. Uranus is squaring Saturn which will accelerate the revelations around any corrupt energies. Arnica is such a powerful remedy to resolve past trauma which the Kala Sarpa Yoga will inevitably bring into consciousness.

Hygiea/Haumea and Arnica are in an exact trine to Jupiter at 28 Aquarius 36’ and a Quincunx to the South Node, Sedna and Ceres in Taurus. It feels wonderful to find the Great Mother Goddess and Queen of the Underworld merging here at the head of the Cosmic Serpent. It brings to mind that the Priestesses and Priests of old would feed the special golden serpents in the Dreaming Temples milk and honey. The serpent in days of old was revered for its healing properties and still is used today in the Caduceus symbol. Both Hygeia and Aesculupia asteroids use the Caduceus as their symbol, and I was delighted to find Hygiea’s sister Panacea and Father Aesculupia both in Gene Key 5 with its Siddhi of Timelessness. This is also where the Solar Eclipse was in Ophiuchus the Serpent Bearer in December which has opened a portal to this healing energy. Ophiuchus is Asclepius placed in the stars and made immortal. Much gratitude to Astrologer Demeter George whose transmissions on the Lineage of Healers and Oracular Priestesses has helped to shape my understanding of what is unfolding right now.

There is a mythical story unfolding about the ancient Dreaming Temples returning through the mists of time, the Priestesses and Priests of old rising but also having to heal now karma of old – power and sexual corruptions being one big part of this. We are stepping into our innocence and pure heartedness at this time. Dreams may reveal the source of problems in a special way through this period.

The Full Moon in Sagittarius is at the Galactic Centre weaving and merging with Venus beginning her 40 Day Retrograde cycle in magical Capricorn. Venus is in Gene Key 60.1 Divine Justice as she begins the Retro period conjunct Pluto, Astraea, Urania, Chariklo and Diana.

I’ve been reading a great book the past week called Minerva or Pluto: The Choice is Yours by Isabel Hickey an amazing Intuitive Astrologer who was practicing when Pluto was discovered in the 1930’s which must have been so exciting for her. She made an intuitive leap that Pluto, like Minerva an Etruscan Wisdom Goddess, is actually Binary and has two faces. This has been shown to be true as Charon once thought to be one of the Moons of Pluto is actually a planet. The Moons then form a six-sided matrix which feels super powerful and gives Pluto so many more dimensions.

Essentially what she is saying is that Pluto does represent all that we know of in Astrology today – violence, corruption, sexual abuse and in the past decade since Pluto entered Capricorn, we have seen so much uncovered. The Pluto Saturn conjunction in March 2020 triggered the global pandemic leading to the breakdown of many outdated and corrupt systems of government, religion and human life and this will continue. Minerva though offers us the opportunity to transfigure the Pluto heavy energies into Wisdom through embracing both the light and the dark. Such a perfect message for Winter Solstice. Pallas Athena another archetype of Minerva is at 14 Pisces 14’ in Gene Key 63 with its Siddhi of Truth. This Gene Key also marks the end of a cycle. Asteroid Minerva is currently in Gene Key 34 at the ‘tail’ of the Great Serpent with Mars indicating new energy and renewal built of the past stock root.

There is a whole other piece to this Blueprint in the Kuiper Belt Objects for 2022 which I will be sharing on my You Tube Channel Goddess Asteroids and Gene Keys and this is the link

Original Article Here

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