Dear family of love and light, the Divine asked me to give you an update on the current energies and what the Divine is doing.
Since the Divine has planned to launch the brand new Divine governing systems and the new spiritual structures for the planet earth in the upcoming Gathering (The Gathering will be from September 23 to 26 in Warfordsburg PA), currently, the planet and light worker communities are being prepared for the launch of new earth based guiding systems and power structures. Each and every soul is being reviewed according to their soul contract. A lot of souls have been informed that their soul contracts will be changed after the review. The changes are based on soul's accomplishment of their soul contracts. Some souls are well on target of their soul contract, and they will be on their next chapter of the soul journey soon as the new systems begin. However, there are huge numbers of the light workers and souls who have lagged behind their soul development schedule, and therefore, they will face the changes of the soul contract and they will have to go through a lot of changes in their soul journey. That is the news.
In the last few weeks, the Divine and the company of heaven and the karmic board have conducted reviews for all light workers and all souls on the planet. So far, what has revealed is that there are a great number of souls who are far behind their soul development schedule and awakening process. Among these souls are some light workers. According to the results of the reviews, the Divine has decided to change the Divine plans for the souls who have not accomplished what the soul contracts require them to do.
The changes include soul's contract and the resources allocated to the soul based on the soul contract. From now on, all souls will be reviewed based on soul's Divine work. Spiritual ranking no longer is being considered. All souls have a chance to conduct their soul mission and soul growth. If a soul carries out their soul mission well, the Divine and the company of heave will rearrange Divine resources so that that soul will be fully equipped for the soul advancement and more important Divine mission. In other words, it does not matter who the soul is, as long as the soul does the light work well, the soul will be fully resourced and equipped to carry out the Divine plan. No more privilege and entitlement in light work any more.
In this review process, what discouraged the Divine and the company of heaven is the fact that there are some advanced souls, Archangels and Divine Mother Father God aspects who have been Divinely protected and equipped throughout their life time. However, in terms of carrying out the Divine plan, very little has been accomplished. After serious consideration, the Divine has decided to change their soul plan. Depending on what they have accomplished, the Divine will rearrange the resources allocated to these souls, and their soul plan has also been changed. In other words, they are no longer in important positions just because they are "so and so." On the other hand, there are a big number of light workers and star seeds who work tirelessly and contribute a great deal to the overall Divine plan and the planetary ascension process. The Divine will bring more resources to these tireless light workers and make sure they have all that they need for their next mission.
This new merit based system will be the system for the new earth and all the planet and humanity. No soul is more privileged than another. All souls are called to conduct their Divine mission and required to finish their mission. If a soul does not or can not complete their soul mission according to the soul contract, their soul plan will be changed. Some may return home if their mission is being completely jeopardized. There are spiritual laws behind soul contracts and soul missions. And in the upcoming new era, all souls are required to follow the spiritual laws, new earth living is Divine law based spiritual living. There is no other ways around.
For the ones who have done amazing job and who are on schedule for their next soul mission, the Divine wants to congratulate you for your hard earned achievement. You are true warriors and great spirits. The Divine is proud of you. And the Divine wants to bless you successful journey ahead on new earth.
Divine love for you all.
Linda Li and the company of heaven. So it is.
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