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March First Waver's Report

Archeia Aurora


Happy March 5D Family! Wow the energies have been quite a roller coaster ride so far in 2025, and March is a big and exciting month as First Waver’s will be having their official graduation on March 30th, 2025. Before we head into the big events of this month, let’s recap February. We have traversed the theme of “merging” through February which included the merging of realms, the merging of timelines, & the merging of our soul’s blueprints with our human vessels. Our focus of this month was to discuss the theme of relationships and how our relating to others allows us to gain greater insight into deeper aspects of self, how to discern energies, & also how to come to a place of understanding and forgiveness which dissolves all forms of separation. 

We were met with many challenges this month as we had a massive stellium of Pisces energy as well as Mars retrograde in Cancer. This was dissolving ALL blocks to unconditional love of self, and others, while also showing us where we had distortions, fragmentations, and emotional wounds that were causing to see the world through a lens of emotional reactions, blame, projections, delusions and assumptions. Through the 222 Portal, we were squeezed through the eye of the needle in order to come out the other side with a new sense of wholeness, openness, and clarity. Many relationships have fallen away that were not in balanced harmonics, equal energy exchange, and alignment. While new relationships and emerged that align with our new path and journeys. 

As we enter March, we are now immersed in the energy of the 3 which carries the vibration of excitement, innocence, fresh beginnings, new experiences, joy, & creativity. This is the month where the New Spiral of Creation is beginning. As we have shared before, 2025-2027 begins the transition to New Earth as many micro and macro cycles are ending and beginning. The New Spiral of Creation is about the trinity, transcending duality. It is no longer about separation, us versus them, or me versus you. It is now about all God Selves walking in embodiment and participating in the Ascension of Mother Earth along with the Ascension of the Cosmos itself. 

Let us first highlight the big events & energies of this month: 

~Venus began her retrograde on March 1st @ 9 Degrees Aries and she will dip back into the sign of Pisces on 3/27

~Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Virgo @23 Degrees on March 14th 

~Mercury begins its retrograde on March 15th @ 9 Degrees Aries and dips back into the sign of Pisces on 3/29

~Spring Equinox & beginning of Aries Season on March 21st 

~New Moon Solar Eclipse @ 9 Degrees Aries on March 29th 

~Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 

~First Waver’s Graduation March 30th 


On March 2nd, I will be hosting our March Astrology Gathering and this is a BIG ONE! I will be covering the following:

~Venus Retrograde in Aries

~Mercury Retrograde in Aries 

~Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Virgo

~New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries

~Neptune entering Aries 

We will be doing a deep dive this month into focusing on the Aries archetype and what it means for us individually & collectively. I encourage everyone to get familiar with the area of their charts that Aries lies, as this will be the main character for all of March. We are also entering Eclipse Season and this one is a wild ride between the first Lunar Eclipse in Virgo, and the final New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries wrapping up a 2 year eclipse cycle that began back in 2023. 

Finally, we will be talking in-depth about Neptune entering Aries as this has not occurred since the 1800’s and there is so much to unpack about this new cycle. Aries is not only a new archetype for Neptune to be transiting, but also the completion of an entire cosmic cycle, signaling to us all that are entering the New Spiral of Creation. 

I am incredibly excited for this month’s astrology and for all of us who are going through these amazing transitions & activations! For those that would like to join me in this month’s gathering, you may RSVP below! This class will also be recorded for those that cannot attend live. 


On the 3/3 Portal we will be hosting our monthly Quantum Light Body Seminar! Last month we discussed the final hyper-processing window in which we will be assisting Mother Earth in processing dense and lower energies as her baseline continues to move up in preparation for the eradication of the 3rd dimension which will complete on 7/7. This month, the energies we will be processing include depression, stress, anxiety, grief, & control. Additionally, First Wavers will reach their new personal baselines of 500-unconditional love prior to graduation day ! We also discussed the Peal Sequence from Richard Rudd’s Gene Keys, which give us insight as to our new soul contracts that will be coming after Graduation Day. 

During this month’s seminar we will be going over the guidances and “final exams” from the Galactics in processing the lower frequencies and how to maintain and stabilize our new baseline of 500. Coinciding with this, the throat chakras are getting divinely upgraded using the Royal Blue flame energies, clearing out all blocks to speaking, sharing, and expressing our truths. We are also receiving upgrades to our ears, which give us the gift of listening and all First Waver’s galactic communication channels will be turned on and connected. The left ear connects to our Higher Self guidance & the right ear connects to the Galactic/Angel guidance. 

As we are acting our divine throat chakra channels, each of us will be called to discover our personal truth frequency. Our voices and expression are essential for us to step into the God Self as we are now given the green light to begin co-creating reality along with Source. Each of our voice frequencies holds a unique vibration and octave, as if each of us are an instrument in the grand symphony. We will be discussing each participant’s Mercury placement in their birth charts, which highlights to us our highest way of co-creating and expressing truth to the whole. On the 3/3 Portal, Mercury is moving into Aries which will be a divine activation of our empowerment, and we may also begin to receive the downloads and new clauses of our God Self contracts. 

For those that are guided to join us, please RSVP below. This seminar will be recorded for those that cannot attend live. 


This month our 2 Part Master Class Seminar will be hosted on the 15th & 16th of March. This Seminar is right after the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Virgo which is the first Eclipse on the new Pisces/Virgo Axis. During this Eclipse, Saturn will be conjunct the Sun in Pisces, grounding us into this new reality and breaking any last illusions that are remaining here. Uranus in Taurus will also be trine to the Moon in Virgo, indicating that there will be a breakthrough moment for us. When we look at the themes of Virgo, we see that the South Node is calling for us to let go of trying to control and micro-manage what is unfolding for us personally and collectively. Interestingly, this month we will have Venus going retrograde at 9 Degrees Aries, followed by Mercury going retrograde at 9 Degrees Aries, and finally, a New Moon Solar Eclipse at 9 Degrees Aries. What is the significance of this repetition at 9 Degrees? For one, the 9 represents completion and the beginning of a new cycle, and this degree falls into Gene Key 21, which carries the shadow of control. 

During this Master Class we will be focusing on Gene Key 21 as this is KEY for us to master prior to our Graduation at the end of the month. The Eclipse itself will occur in Gene Key 6, which is a pivotal Gene Key that discusses the ending of all conflict on the planet, starting with the conflicts between masculine and feminine. The Siddhi of Gene Key 6 is Peace, and represents the culmination of our Rainbow Light Bodies! We cannot control Creation and we are here to fully surrender to the alchemical process that is occurring as we are becoming the Light Body & the God Selves are coming into Full Embodiment. The magnitude of this process cannot be underestimated, and we are ready to reclaim our powers. 

In Part 1 of this Seminar we will be covering both Gene Key 6 & Gene Key 21 in order to master these energies. Part of this mastery is to create space within ourselves and our lives for our full essences to be coming in. In Part 2 of this Master Class, we will be going over our preparations for our new God Self contracts to be issued on March 31st. The Galactics are preparing a cosmic ceremony for us all to participate in and we will be sharing the protocols for entering the New Spiral of Creation. 

For those that wish to join us, please RSVP below. Each seminar will be recorded for those that cannot attend live. 


We are SO EXCITED to be hosting the First Waver’s Graduation Ceremony on March 30th! The Day prior to this we have the New Moon Solar Eclipse @ 9 Degrees Aries, which is the final New Moon Eclipse in this sign which began back in 2023. For 2 years, the cosmos have been aligning New Moon Solar Eclipses in Aries to highlight to us that we must prepare to begin anew. Aries is the first zodiac sign, and it is all about fresh beginnings, innocence, child like wonder, and the passion and courage to pioneer a new path. Aries teaches us to just go for it! Stop thinking, stop hesitating, and start moving and creating. Aries is fearless, but even in the face of fear, Aries does it anyway. This warrior essence is now the main archetype we are embodying this year and is the perfect alignment for our Graduation. 

On Graduation Day, Neptune will move into Aries for the first time since the 1800’s. Neptune rules our consciousness, Source energy, and our connection to the Divine. Neptune has been transiting Pisces, its home sign, since 2011. Since then, we have undergone a massive spiritual awakening on this planet and we were being trained at the highest levels on how to learn discernment, transmuting, taking accountability, and re-connecting to Source. This transit also brought about confusion, psychosis, lies, illusions, delusions and escapism. All energy was at play and it was challenging to navigate. Now, Neptune is completing a cosmic cycle and beginning a new spiral of Creation. 

I believe that this signals to us now that all Source energy will now only flow through individuals who are embodying the God Self. Drawing the line in the sand from the previous cycle in which many were able to siphon, steal, and mimic higher energies for themselves. Aries is about sovereignty, and only those who have established their Sovereignty as the God Self will have access to pure Source energy. I have also received many downloads about “super powers” coming in, as we are officially given the Green Light by the Divine Mother to become co-creators with her once again. 

The Divine Mother, Divine Father, & Galactics are preparing a grand ceremony for us all, and those protocols will be shared during the Master Class Seminar. This Ceremony is free and open to all First Wavers who are ready to Graduate. It will be a moment of unity, celebration, & guidance on our next steps. 

For all those who would like to join this open Ceremony, please RSVP below. It will be recorded for those that cannot attend live. 

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