By: Ramona Lappin
"Even within the seemingly most unacceptable and painful situation is concealed a deeper good, and within every disaster is contained the seed of grace.
Throughout history, there have been women and men who, in the face of great loss, illness, imprisonment, or impending death, accepted the seemingly unacceptable and thus found "the peace that passeth all understanding."
Acceptance of the unacceptable is the greatest source of grace in this world." Eckhart Tolle - Stillness Speaks
Once we have accepted the unacceptable, we get to CHANGE IT ALL NOW! From the Zero Point Field of Divine Neutrality, in NO-TIME.
This final, rapid and intense dissolution of all remaining distortions, artificial Realities/ Timelines and Frequencies and full collapse of the Phantom Matrix and all of it's creations and programming, is now allowing us to QUANTUM LEAP back INTO THE 'FUTURE', to fully ignite the One True Organic Ascension Realities from within our DNA.
Hold onto your crowns as I am getting the message that 'A COLLECTIVE SHAKE UP' IS NEAR, leading us to a final and FULL COLLECTIVE WAKE UP' & ASCEND out of this artificial Matrix, all-ready in progress!
Remember right now to put yourself and your needs first as our bodies are clearing, transmuting and anchoring a LOT. We get a lot done in our sleep and when resting. Many are collapsing a lot of artificial Timelines in their sleep, it's sacred and important work, so we don't have to live it! Our bodies are our Ascension vehicles and all together we make up the Planetary Body, it's all inter-connected. I've been struggling with migraines, toothache and now my period and woke up puking bile. So fun! I get very nauseated with bad migraines. Not to mention some final deep emotional and mental releases of the past and all we have been through. Better now haha! I've been spending all of my spare energy working with the Grids, Stargates and Planetary Core, dissolving and collapsing all remaining distortions and these phantom Timelines, programming/ Consciousness and creations such as parasites and negative entities etc., as well as activating the HUman DNA. It's been full on, no wonder I ended up puking for real. It's been tough that's why steady wins the race. That's why self care is super important as all comes from here. Remember that all 'they' have is trying to extend time with delay tactics, trying to create more false Timelines, but we are cutting off their supply by becoming fully sovereign, seeing through the illusions to collapse them and us fully re-membering how all of this truly works. We can dissolve all of this shit from within!!
I was also shown again at a much deeper level, that Ascension is not supposed to be this hard and painful. We get so much interference to try and make us give up and push us off our paths, currently especially through artificial Frequencies being directed at us and so much more, especially now as we push through this FINAL FREQUENCY THRESHOLD & BREAKTHROUGH INTO FULL FREEDOM, ABUNDANCE, TRUTH & ASCENSION!
Take strength from the knowing that it is so hard because our missions are so important and because we're right at the finish line now! They want us depressed, exhausted and giving up so know this and use this as your fuel to carry on and keep pushing through and through and through! IT'S ALL-READY HAPPENING, the Event and Final Purification is all-ready in progress and reaching it's full and final culmination point!
The Crystalline Core of Gaja, Diamond Grid System and our Plasma Lightbody's are ready for take off and so are we, all in Divine final Timing! It's all coming together now. I just KNOW it, feel it, see it, sense it! I hope you can too. Thank you for not giving up and keeping on pushing even on the hardest of days. We flip flop between pushing through and total surrender. Until all comes to a halt...
Hang in there Beloveds, keep pushing, keep surrendering, keep loving and KNOWing THAT MIRACLES ARE THE NEW NORMAL & THAT OUR TIME HAS COME!
Re-member that you are Formless.
At One with Source, all-ways.
All else are fleeting moments.
Keep coming back to your Heart, your sacred breath and the peace that passeth all understanding, all-ways available and accessible within, all-ways now.
RELAX, InJOY your life as best you can, keep focusing and manifesting your New You & New Earth creations, FEEL IT ALL, KNOW THAT A BRIGHT FUTURE AWAITS, and know that everything is aligning for you/ us now. Keep collapsing the old by withdrawing it your sacred life force/ attention and choosing consciously what you want and don't want in your life! Make a list of all you wish for yourself and ALL! Remember that whatever happens is all part of the Plan, the more you can trust, transcend any remaining fears and not hold onto and resist no-thing, the easier and more quickly it will all go. The future is all-ways co-created in every now moment with every thought, word, belief/ program, feeling and action we take. THIS IS WHERE OUR TRUE POWER LIES in co-creating ALL NEW! KNOW that our hard work and total surrender to the Divine and our True Self is now paying off. That our sacrifices along the way have not been in vain but are being rewarded now and keep speaking, singing, painting, thinking and dreaming it into existence.
TIME TO MAKE THE MAGIC HAPPEN, THIS IS WHAT WE CAME FOR! It doesn't just happen to us! Now we re-member, re-claim and re-activate our gifts, abilities, power, True Self and True history fully again!
As we dive ever deeper into the Self, into the Heart, into ever deeper levels of Divine Love, Compassion and Wisdom, as all remaining sense of separation and judgements dissolve in this sea of Love coming from the Cosmic Mother and Source, washing all that was and no longer serves away, washing us whole, healing all. SETting US FREE!
As we merge with it ALL, and dissolve back into the void of the Mother, to be fully reborn, we are in ATONEMENT WITH ALL, and we have finally arrived home.
Eternal Love & Blessings, Ramona
Original Article Here: