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October First Waver's Report

Archeia Aurora



Happy October to our 5D Family! We are now entering Phase 2 of the Harvest Portal which began on September 1st, as Pluto made his final transit through Capricorn. September completed phase 1 of this Portal, which was about karmic closure and the releasing of the past, in order to make space for our harvest. Globally and personally we saw many things come to light in September, all that needed to be revealed and released. Under the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 17th, we got to watch the trailer to the movie of 2025, as this Eclipse brought in the energies of Divine Intervention that we will be witnessing beginning in January. 


Now, as we begin October, we are heading right into the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra on October 2nd. This is wrapping up our Nodal cycle of Aries/Libra that began in July of 2023. Throughout this nodal cycle, we have been learning the proper balance between self and others, boundaries, and what it truly means to have equal energy exchange within relationships. This has pushed us collectively to release some of the shadow qualities of Libra, which include people pleasing, saying yes when we want to say no, putting others needs above our own, and self-sacrificing our own destinies. 


The New Moon Solar Eclipse on 10/2 will be conjunct the South Node, as well as the Dark Moon, and Mercury in Libra. Let’s start with the South Node. This node represents what we are letting go of, redefining, and can also represent thing from the past that have been unresolved coming to light. With the South Node in Libra for the last year and half, relationships of all kinds have been put through the wringer in order to determine if the relationships were aligned or not. This Eclipse is the ending of a chapter, and the beginning of a new one. Many relationships may officially come to an end under this Eclipse, as they cannot be carried forward. 


I want to also touch on a theme of Libra that is often overlooked, as Libra is ruled by the planet Venus, she is most associated with love, beauty, and harmony. However, with the Dark Moon now in Libra until next year, the more profound and intense energies of Libra are being re-integrated to her archetype. Libra is the sign of Justice, and she is exalted by Saturn. If there was ever a phrase to clearly summarize Libra it is, “you get what you give.” I believe that this Solar Eclipse will finally be bringing the Justice that is so long overdue for many people. With the conjunction to Mercury, this could come through a communication or announcement of justice being served. This Eclipse will also be squaring Mars in Cancer, and there will be heightened emotions and possibly even anger, sadness, etc., associated with what is brought to light. 


In our personal lives, we are regaining our balance and the first step to this is receiving back what we have given. Our love, our time, our efforts, our sacrifices. They will all come back to us in the form of blessings thanks to Libra, and her ruler Venus who is now in Scorpio, ensuring that we receive what we are owed. This is the perfect alignment to lead us up to the 10/10 Harvest Portal. It is under this Portal where we will be preparing for our Harvest, and all that comes with us. As I have mentioned before, as we receive our Harvest it is essential not to judge what that looks like, or have any expectations of what it should look like. Pluto will be going direct @ 29 Degrees Capricorn on this day, delivering what we have been asking for. This Portal also requires us to embody that which we seek to receive. We cannot receive anything if we are not holding the frequency of that blessing, and that will be our focus for the first part of October. 


We will then celebrate a Full Moon in Aries on October 17th, and this Moon will be conjunct Chiron in Aries. This is our final healing around all wounds of self-abandonment, lack of confidence, unworthiness, and fear. We are finally ready to claim our God Selves and become God with God, as this is what will be required through the paradigm shift in 2025. This Full Moon will occur in Gene Key 42, which carries the Shadow of Expectation and the Siddhi of Celebration. We are called to let go of ALL expectations, embrace the unknown, and celebrate our new journeys and all of the blessings! We have to truly SEE and FEEL New Earth in order for it anchor in. 


As we end the month, we will have a New Moon in Scorpio on Hallows’ Eve and into November 1st. The veil will be incredibly thin around this time, and we will become more and more aware of the darkness that is releasing from this Planet. It is very important for all of us that we are grounded, anchored, and following our divine guidance as we each are assisting this clearing and leading the way on this planetary ascension. We are all MASTERS and now is the moment to fully embody it. We are in a very auspicious window of time to anchor in the New Earth blueprints and collapse the illusionary matrix. We will all be called to become more bold, more confident, and more outrageous in our service of love. This is why we must be out of the mind and in the heart. Love wins over fear, always. 


We are ready to stand our ground and command the end of all Darkness. 




We will be hosting our Light Body Maintenance Seminar on the 10/10 Portal which will be our official Harvest Celebration! Last month, our focus was on healing the nervous system of the body in order to be able to receive all of our blessings. The nervous system carries the karmic residue of fear, and we had to clear that from our bodies so that we could fully embrace the unknown that we are walking into. We also hosted a Detox Seminar under the Full Moon Eclipse in order to purge and prepare our bodies and spaces for receiving. 


Our goal last month was to stabilize the light bodies at 93% which we have reached. Our goal this month is to stabilize the Light Bodies to 95%, which is a requirement to be able to operate in the new Equal Energy Exchange Paradigm that is being layed through the New Moon Solar Eclipse on 10/2. Through this new energetic paradigm, we are able to give and receive freely without fear, lack, or resistance. Our focus for this Seminar will be on opening up our receiving centers fully, the heart chakra and sacral chakra, and discussing the Equal Energy Exchange Paradigm. For many of you, this will open up your magical abilities that have long been turned off. In a sense, we will be upgrading our light body servers!


We will be discussing the monthly Light Body Maintenance Report from the Galactics, the Equal Energy Exchange Paradigm, and a live transmutation for activating our receiving centers and personal magic signature. The Seminar will be recorded for those that cannot attend live.




Our new Master Class Seminar will begin on October 17th, 2024, under the Full Moon in Aries! The Galactics have guided us to hold this Master Class Series for the rest of the year in preparation for 2025.


Just to give a preview of what is to come, 2025 heralds the official beginning of the transition to New Earth, as the Ascension Window officially closes on July 7th, 2025. This window first opened in 1975 and will close next year. 


"The Ascension window has opened on this planet on May 25th, 1975, had its turning point on August 11th, 1999 and will close on July 7th, 2025. It was always the plan of the Light forces to clear the primary anomaly of darkness and to trigger the Event within this time window, and that plan did not change” -Cobra 


Between 2025-2027, our Earth will undergo astrological and energetic shifts that are unprecedented. Many cosmic cycles will merge and come to an apex for 2027: We will change Incarnation Crosses in Human Design which happens every 500 years, and we will also be completing 13,000 and 26,000 year cycles. 


The Galactics are now calling forward all who are ready to embody the Master Codes and to step up into the more advanced levels of service to the Ascension. I want to reiterate that no-one is above anyone else, or more special, however the reality is that there are those who have the capacity to rise to the level of Planetary Leadership, and those who are not ready or prepared to do so. This is a Clarion Call to all those who know that this role is for them, and that they have done the prerequisite work to step into this role. 


This Master Class will be an introduction to the Master Class Series which will be ongoing for the remainder of the year and likely into 2025. This is an advanced class series that will focus on the following: 


~Deeper levels of understanding of how the EGO functions as well as advanced training on how to truly transform these frequencies, identify them in others, and how to transform programmings for the Collective.

~Training on understanding how dark technology and dark energy creates interference, hijacks and manipulates energy as well as advanced training on how to neutralize these energies for yourself and for the Planet. 

~Advanced training on how to do higher levels of energy work, spiritual work, planetary clearing, planetary grid work, etheric work, etc. 


Our First Master Class will be an introduction class where we will discuss the most relevant topics at the moment, which include:


~Clearing of our personal fields of all interference energy so that we can ensure our channels are clear 

~Establishing connection with your personal Galactic Teams which will be working with you directly in your Master Roles

~Introduction to deeper understandings and transformation of EGO programmings 

~Q+A for all participants on what topics you would like to be incorporated into the Master Series, and any suggestions on curriculum that can be developed for the Master participants. 




For those looking for one-on-one assistance this month, we are still offering the following sessions for a limited time: 


Destiny Activation Session

This is a personal recording done for you on your Astrological Chart, focusing on the Destiny Activation placements. This includes the closing out a cycle in the part of your chart which Pluto has been transiting for the last 16 years, the completion of your Saturn Karmic contract, and the activation of your Destiny Contract which includes your personal North and South Node. 


Light Body Activation Session

This is a one-on-one live session with Faith, to get a full energetic body scan of your light body and identify any and all areas which are holding density, blockages, and damage. You will then be guided through a live meditation to address each of these areas and clear the emotional root cause, as well as learning how to do this clearing yourself so you may continue on your light body activation journey. 


You will also be given a follow up report, which will highlight any further recommendations for the healing of your light body, and answering any follow-up questions you may have. For those that are looking for multiple light body sessions, you may also book the Light Body Package which will include 4 clearing sessions with specialized and customized focuses for you. 


If you are guided to join these Seminars, please RSVP below. All Seminars are recorded for those that cannot attend live.


 If you are guided to book any of these Sessions, please book below.


Love you all,




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