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Re-Entering Your Story

By: Corina Luna Dea

Re-entering your story is a sacred process. It requires that You pause, take a deep breath and kneel down to your sacred site and begin the unearthing with reverence, love, compassion for self-others, forgiveness, acceptance, surrendering and the willingness to integrate the lost pieces of childhood into your adult self.

I know...tears will wash your face...Allow them to fall to the ground as you excavate your life...Let them wash away all that still hurts...Speak with love and kindness to the parts of you that still hurt...Pick them up with love and hold them close to your heart for a while, for as long as you need until you feel that your heart expands enough to be with all that you had to endure in your life.

I know in my heart of hearts that you can integrate into who you are the massive pain that once shattered you...You are not who you used to be...You are not your old self...You are not what happened to you...You are not the suffering you endured...You are not what was taken from you without your consent...You are not the old you that abandoned your truth and happiness...

No, my friend....You are not what others think of you...You are not your abuser or the illness that ravages your bones...You are not your fears or the goals you did not achieve...

So, I come to you now to ask you to re-enter your story with reverence...You are walking on sacred ground. Your life is a holly manifestation of the Divine purpose you came here to fulfill. But before you move on, please take off your dusty shoes and raggedy clothes, for now you must rest a bit. You have been on this journey for a while now, perhaps walking the same path over and over, feeling you are going in circles just to end up at the same place where you have started.

You might be tired by now of doing this on your own, pray to the elements, unguarded or guarded too much. You might be tired of the doubt, the fear, the unfulfilled dreams, broken relationships and illness in your body. This journey must have been exhausting for you, feeling that you are not heard, not seen, not appreciated, not welcomed, not accepted…Perhaps you are tired of carrying around the bag with your heavy past…

Perhaps you became weary of all the masks you have tried on already, just to realize that none of them belongs to you.

Welcome to your Sacred Archaeological Site-Your Life-multifaceted, deep, layered, complex and full of mystery and paradox. Your Life, your Story, your Fire Stories, the poetry of your heart and soul are waiting for you to be unburied and shed light on the wounds that came along with living and loving.

As you begin your archaeological work and dig deep under layers of emotional sediment and stagnant pain, your beautiful true Self will emerge in all its might.

You can no longer wait. The time is now. You are ready to take the journey to the Core of who you are and unearth your truest Self, your potential, your gifts and talents, the love you have for this world and let it all out, unbound and free. Within this freedom is your peace of mind and the fulfillment you desire in relationships, work, your health and your financial abundance. All you need is already within. Your Life can become a Sacred Adventure...

Often we get lost in the this labyrinth of the unknown, just to be found again enriched with so much more wisdom as we make our way out of adversity and challenges.

Your archaeological site, might feel like a ruin to you, but make no mistake...Where there is ruin, there are also treasures to be found...This is the sacred place where all the pieces of your life are buried deep under layers upon layers of conditioning, socialization and indoctrination. Through this domestication process, your True Essence was altered.

Now it is time shed the old skin and break down the walls you built to feel safe and eventually awaken to new possibilities resembling the reality you wish to create and manifest.

I invite you to kneel down and begin the unearthing...until you reach the Core of who you are...


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