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The Mother Matrix: manifesting from the matter field


By: Lauren Gorgo


Happy Lunar New Year and welcome to the tremendously transformational journey of the Wood Snake! The Wood Snake archetype represents our active transfiguration into something much more whole/complete/authentic via the resurgence of Feminine-Kundalini-Creatrix energies that are wont to surge thru our bodies & lives this year.  This is a very physically focused energy by which anything obstructing our life force channels will all but demand to be removed which is why the current Mars retrograde cycle has been amplifying these stuck areas over the last several weeks…so that we can regain the full flow of vital energy to reCreate our reality with.

The blessing of this new year is that New Earth frequencies are here-now and providing all those with the dedicated circuitry the ability to perform the Higher-Human task of eliminating all that which is no longer suitable, sustainable or beneficial to the Aquarian Age future.  This means that whatever is in the way of or blocking the birth of your new/higher reality will call to you and you to it so that you can uproot yourself from the substrate of all past programming and reroot yourself onto the nutrient-rich Creator path that is beckoning us forth from the ashes of old.

Manifesting from the matter field is the birth of new, never-before-conceived creations & potentials that are completely unrelated to matters of the past.

The February side of Aquarius Season is presenting as a divining rod in this way, helping us to suss out the specific opportunities that align with our future visions while leaving the rest behind.  Regardless of what we’ve committed to in the past, our new Soul assignments are going into effect this month and providing the impetus (fuel) to generate some long-term planning for our next steps in life…those that are calling to us from our future reality made manifest so that we can bring these potentials into being thru the portal of the present.

Capitalizing on these opportunities requires our complete participation to consciously work with both the sacred Forces of Creation to reinvent our reality and align it with our unique blueprint which is an essential fractal subset of The Divine Plan.  Because of this requirement, you may find that you no longer have access to the “business as usual” creation dynamics that are officially receding into the background as the new/original Creation dynamics emerge in the foreground.

This means that a bonafide shift in the Creation tide…that will ultimately upend all of life on Earth…is fast approaching, flooding into the planet thru all the cosmic & celestial gateways to restore humanity to its rightful place & position of sovereignty & self-governance.  Of course, this also means that all that which is NOT those things will be front & center on the world stage for years to come, providing every person on the planet the pertinent backdrop required to choose otherwise.

And with this message comes so much love & respect for the people of Earth, as every single one of us is integral to the whole of The Divine Plan, regardless of appearances or how things may seem to those who have yet to grasp the enormity of what is truly taking place planetarily…let alone galactically, universally & cosmically.

Because of that, I feel to continually reinforce this understanding as things escalate to unfamiliar levels so that you have a reference point to anchor into the greater/higher Truth…to help you hold neutrality (sacred space) for a world entering deeper into its death throes now that Pluto has officially been deployed for his Aquarian tour of duty to disrupt the status quo.

As this takes place, those central to the New Earth infrastructure will simultaneously begin building out the new reality systems from the Divine Blueprint…those Aquarian Age structures that will replace the past/patriarchal/Piscean Age systems that robbed the planet & her people of the sacred substance of life via the distortion of the Mother principle and the suppression of Divine Feminine energies.

Those lower forces no longer dominate the land as The Great Mother has reclaimed her voice. It is Her will that nothing will deter, desecrate, or defile the sanctity of life on this planet any longer⇾ even if/while it appears otherwise.  Which it will.  For a while. On the surface.

BUT…for all those aligned with the organic template of Creation (i.e. the Mother Matrix), know that you now hold within you THE key to manifest from the matter field…to birth the blueprint needed to bring to life the imaginings of your inner world as you employ your special part of The Divine Plan.  That world lives within you for a reason and the month ahead is slated to reveal ‘the why’ in no uncertain terms.


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