Mayelana NATHI
Sizinikele ekuguqukeleni kwesintu emazingeni aphezulu othando nobunye. Umbono wethu omkhulu owokuthi sonke isintu sibuyele esimweni saso semvelo senjabulo nobuchule. Ukuqaphela okusekelwe enhliziyweni okuhlanzekile kwe-5D.
Ngokusekelwe emthethweni Wendawo Yonke kanye Nesenzo Esilungile, lo mphakathi uvulekele kubo bonke abafisa ukufunda nokuthuthuka ngepharadigm yokwazi okuphezulu. Sifuna ukuhlinzeka ngendawo yokufunda yakho konke okuvumela ukuhlakanipha kwaphezulu, ukuthula, ukusungula, ubuciko, umculo, ubunye, uthando olungenamibandela, ukwaziwa, kanye nogqozi.
Ekuqaleni kwenkolo, unkulunkulu wayengowesifazane. uyakhumbula?
- Merlin Stone
Our mission is to create the blueprint + the foundation for Heaven on Earth. Through our passions projects + Humanitarian projects we are creating these blueprints, foundations + connections with the lovers and givers across the Planet so that we may begin the transition into New Earth. These projects are close to our heart + the mission of Mother of All Creation, to bring Humanity back into love, cooperation, harmony + Right Action. Our projects include the Mother Earth's Crystal Schools, New Earth Transitionary Government, + The Givers Gathering Co-Op!
Humanitarian Projects
Ikusasa Lokuphulukiswa Selifikile
Esikoleni safundiswa ngezimo ezi-3 zendaba: okuqinile, okuwuketshezi kanye negesi. Eqinisweni zazo ziyizimo ezine zento: okuqinile, uketshezi, igesi kanye ne-GANS(Igesi Esifundeni SaseNano) Eqinisweni, yonke into yakhiwa ngamandla kanye nemvamisa. I-Plasma iyinsimu kazibuthe kanye namandla adonsela phansi akha zonke izinto. Izinkambu ze-Aura ne-Taurus ezizungeze zonke izinto eziphilayo, izitshalo, ngisho nezinto ezenziwe umuntu, zithonya ukwakheka kwazo zonke izinto.